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Showreel Q and A
How long should my showreel be?
There is no exact time length. Most good showreels have a running time between two and four minutes, with 3 minutes being a good average. A good rule is the showreel should never come across as repetitive.

I have only done a few shorts. Do I have enough material?
You would be surprised what our editors can do with just a few reels or adverts. A selection of carefully chosen clips could help showcase you portraying a wide variety of reactions and moods.

What does a Casting Director or Agent look for in a showreel?
There is no one answer for this, as it depends on what a Casting Director is looking for. If your showreel is current, professionally presented, concise, lively and energetic, they would be much more likely to watch it in full. It should present you at your best, be a proper length for the material shown and not feel repetitive.

I have mostly done stage work, but want to pursue television work now. What can I put in my showreel?
We have done showreels for other stage Actors in the same predicament. A short collection of the clips you do have could be followed by an animated slideshow of stills showing your recent work on the stage. It shows an agent you have been busy working and helps set you apart from Actors new to the business.

I do not have any footage! Can you film new scenes for me to use in a showreel?
We only work with your existing footage. Many Actors may have had experience in an amateur dramatic society or school; and might be able to get footage of their performances by contacting the school or society.

Should my showreel be updated often?
Your showreel is like your CV, so should always be current reflecting your recent works. We do archive your showreel making future updates easier.
Should I include a montage?
A montage can sometimes provide a valuable boost to your showreel. If you have an extraordinary clip or two, each a few seconds long, they won't stand on their own. These scenes could be mixed with a few others in a montage - allowing those moments to be seen by a Casting Director. Likewise, an Actor with many good, well known clips might prefer to just get to scenes in their showreel and not have a montage.
Can you upload my showreel to Spotlight or another online service?
Yes, we can certainly load your completed showreel online, so it can be seen. We would make sure it fits all their technical requirements and then upload it. We could also send it to Casting Call Pro, YouTube, Vimeo or most other online services.
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